Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Funnies Honey Boo Boo Style

Incase you didn't get the memo, Honey Boo Boo is back! And in honor of the new season, I decided that today's Friday Funnies should be dedicated to little miss Alana herself.

And if anyone knows what this "marannaise" is and can fill me in, that would be great!

Sorry Alana but mayonaise does NOT taste like vanilla pudding!

My FAVORITE quote ever!

Me too girlfriend, me too!


  1. My son's introduced me to Honey Boo Boo during our summer vacation. They think it's great. I never really got into it. I prefer Vampire shows. LOL

    1. Haha! I LOVE this show! It always makes me laugh! Now those vampire shows? That is something I can't get into!! Haha! =)
